Friday, 24 February 2017

The Noseflutes ‎– "Several Young Men Ignite Hardboard Stump" (Reflex Records ‎– LEX 5M) 1986

Well would you believe it? That cover photo is of a person falling to their death from the World Trade Center 25 years before this was replicated en masse.
No doubt some '9/11 Truth Seekers' will see this as the start of the conditioning that led to us accepting the 'official' story and willingly giving away our human rights in the name of security?
What did The Noseflutes really know?....well, they certainly knew how to write an unconventional disjointed pop song or two, and had a real talent for great album titles.This one didn't manage to make The Sunday People's "101 most awful album titles on Record" in sept 1996, but their second album "Zib Zob and his Kib Kob" did.
As the 'People' is in fact nothing more than a moronic comic for intellectual pondlife and Brexit/Trump supporters, this is a compliment;what could be worse than having any fans among these scholarly also-rans. The fact that the author of this list, one Gary Leboff, obviously has irony blindness, speaks volumes about his qualifications to be a serious journalist; the Times would not be calling at any time in the future let's say.
Not the best Noseflutes Album by any stretch of word, but still a fine collection of abstract pop tunes for the discerning ex-university pub dweller.......and with such a classic album title as that, it demands your attention at least!? 


A1 Perfect Cockney Hard-On
A2 Romance Takes Control
A3 Dreamboat
A4 Bullet Enters Brad
A5 This Is My Home
B1 Lumbo/The Harmony Of Dogs
B2 Holiday Time
B3 Past Promise Broken In Previous Life
B4 Why Is Everyone A Man?
B5 The Sugar Ranch
B6 Cowboy Factory


  1. You're a kind person. I will have to think of more suggestions for when nose flutes run out. Blood Donor, Erase Errata immediately spring to mind. Don't care really as the majority of your posts are brill. Ta ta for now

  2. Well, you're the first person to call me 'kind' on this blog.....thank you.
    Erase Errata sound a bit modern for these hallowed pages....but we do have a mountain of Nightingales,prefects,Bogshed,The Mackenzies, Twang!,Membranes,The shrubs, Diagram Brothers, and other angular style post punk entertainment in the queue.

  3. Forgot to mention A Witness, The Ex and Stump, will get the treatment as well.

  4. All sounds good to me except membranes, never really appealed. Anyway more suggestions: Bears, Bodies, Reaction,Magits - pawn in their game, early Scritti Politti,Tea Set

  5. Yeah agree on the Membranes, but i did Magits a few weeks ago before all the Rudimentary Peni stuff. Scritti Politti were a very key DIY group,i did them before on Die or DIY 1,before it got deleted....must resurrect at least the peel sessions i reckon.

  6. While they were never my favourite beat combo, The Membranes did have a few moments of glory - the Spike Milligan's Tape Recorder b/w All Skin & Bone single from 1984 for example - and while John Robb is somewhat of a media type these days, he was a tireless promoter, along with Peel, of bands like Bogshed, A Witness, Stump et al - and christ, they came from Blackpool, a disadvantage to overcome if ever there was one.

    Looking forward to as much early Scritti Polliti as you can throw at us (especially if it's in that new fangled lossless FLAC or WAV format that the new kids on the blog seem to like).

    Like Crass, Scritti were one of those 'seminal' (there must be another word that doesn't make you sound like a wanker) bands I remember being awestruck by as I laid under the covers, clandestinely listening to Peel on a shit transistor radio and a single mono earpiece as a kid.

  7. PS> I thought I had seen most of the spooky pre-9/11 synchro-mystical media references but who would have thought the UK's very own Noseflutes were engaging in ontological non-locality... And there was I thinking they just had a great line in song and album titles: someone should tell the troofers...

  8. As a member of various conspiracy fact/theory discussion groups on Facebook.Wasting many an hour urging sense on many of the wilder theories. I will now forward the Noseflutes as an example of how the pre-programming got into the counter cuture......they'll lap it up.Its a market of untapped vast earning potential......i was lucky/unlucky enough to have a friend who resembled Mohammed Atta,and on a trip to NYC we went to the roof of WTC 1 where I videoed him looking rather suspicious; this was in march 2001(could have been me!?) all i gotta do to earn some real youtube cash, is transfer this video 8 footage to the tube,and watch those view figures rack up like cherries on a one armed bandit.

    The Membranes sounded like they were trying too hard to be like all those other 1986 era groops,but fell rather short on genuine abstract ideas and ability to do an unusual time signature.Good fun though. Robb however is a fine Journalist/writer.

    Scritti undoubtedly talked the talk and walked the walk until Green got infected by the corrupt pop from the inside movement/ New Pop, which just turned into 'Old Pop',and the perps got corrupted themselves, principally by mountains of cash......said this before, but the only ones who pulled this off were the Associates.
    But scritti, Desperate Bikes, and Buzzcocks were the three wise men of DIY, who brought gifts ...the gold was Buzzcocks of course, Scritti frankincense, leaving the DB's as the myrrh.

  9. ps....not doing FLAC OR takes long enough to upload the fuckers as it is in 320k mp3,never mind treble the size files....and eats up storage space....this is why mp3 was invented.
    FLAC in particular reminds one of those unwashed audiophiles who insisted on having their huge speakers sitting on spikes.

  10. Yes, the spooky synchro-mystic pre-9/11 Noseflutes cover definitely deserves the 'troofers' attention as does your uncanny Atta clone visiting the top of the towers several months before the erm.. holographic attack.

    Personally, I blame the net for the 'Ladybird Book Of Conspiracy Theory' approach to the machinations of the deep state - in the olden pre-net days you had to actually put the time in and do things like visit Compendium Books, subscribe to UK magazines like Lobster or spend weeks waiting for zines and books from Loompanics or Adventures Unlimited in the USA - hence it was a marginal scene that like any occult initiation, had a linear and integrated quality as you slowly descended down the rabbit hole.

    These days, all it takes is to watch a single 9/11 conspiracy video and suddenly you are 'awake' - no effort at all, instant conspiratorial enlightenment gonna get ya - deep politics for dummies where you simply chant the words 'Gladio','deep state' and 'MK Ultra' and believe in everything the so-called conspiracy scene tells you is true, just as six months before their 'awakening', they believed in everything the corporate media fed them - which was just what I was telling the lizard people the other day as they gang stalked me...

  11. PS> Fair enough that you are continuing in lossy MP3 320 and not switching to the audiophiliac lossless format of WAV /FLAC - I only mentioned it in the context of a response you gave to someone asking for a WAV version in another post - I say this as I would hate to appear as one of those wankers who think your singular role is catering to their constant escalating demands for better scans, higher bit rates - which ultimately would only be satisfied if you mailed them the original record or tape and even then they would complain that it's only near-mint quality.

    I applaud your continuing efforts in sound and text that makes Dieordiy2 an oasis of taste in a desert of utter internet mind numbing banality.

    While I concur with the Scritti-Bicycles-Buzzcocks Holy DIY trinity - the gnostic in me has to add the female mystical principle of Palmolive era Slits to the DIY mix - just saying like

    Anyway, so looking forward to the DieOrDIY2 Redux post of some early improvised Gramsci inspired scratches from the Scrits, as I never once called them, ever...

  12. I did enjoy piecing together conspiracies,and was a regular in Compendium Books,as I had a shop in Camden lock from, like everything, it becomes a mass appeal past-time, where that bloke next door hears about 'Chemtrails', and starts telling you about it as if he's just done a load of scientific research on the subject,when all he's done is watch an unobjective video made by some paranoid nerd with a smart phone.
    It got to the point where everything that ever happened was a fake news, which is another conspiracy apparently,by, for and against everyone.......this exposes the real conspiracy which is the illusion that we are in the Information age. Information is only information if it comes from a reliable source,which can no-longer exist. this is in fact the 'Disinformation' age....therefore anyone who wants to control any section of the general populous can openly do the most insidious abuses of power possible, and casually pass it off as 'fake news',and blatantly replace it with their own 'alternative Facts'. Its a new age of ignorance through too much information. Post-Truth is such a perfect summing up of this mess.....i dunno whats true anymore,do you?

  13. PS The pre-reggae slits, were of course great.....i'm sure i posted that retrospective album earlier in this blog.
    Not a fan of the reggae-fied Slits at all....they replaced palmolive with a bloke!....apparently Palmolive is now committed christian!?

    Yeah I can't abide audiophiles as much as musicians!....imagine Danny and the Dressmakers playing funky licks in FLAC!!!! thanks. Kinda undermines the meaning of this blog.

  14. psst... hey jonny is that real saucer people up there? talking audio science futuristic stuff! wow. they ain't too bright for being so smart. huh, i feel like a cartoon character.

  15. My other one was rubbish and I couldn't resist... so here is my 2 cents and his multiple honest doppelgangers in a bucket of loose change... ok. Use foobar2000 or if you know any other that have a double blind listening test plug in. You'll be amazed how little difference is discernible. If honest with yourself you will only be guessing. I had over 2tb of cds ripped straight to flac. I realized I was paying so much attention to minute details I would miss the whole feeling of the music. It really boils down to pragmatism. One fourth the size. Compatible with all things audio. Relocatable and the de facto of choice. The only time I ever heard discernible difference was in my own music. Since I had heard it many times as well made it, I could here some variance but nobody else would have noticed the difference if I hadn't told them. Funny thing is at least half the time the mp3 would sound more likable to my rough ears. I understand about compression and the loudness wars. That I'm hearing something squeezed together to make it appear better when it is only truly louder in volume. Any difference can be masked or made even more companionable to your own tastes with EQ. Really your music is only going to sound as good as the system and speakers they are played through. Worrying about the integrity of things to the point one becomes flustered is a bit counter productive to the initial purpose of enjoying music. I used to be an audiophile until one day I had an epiphany and actually started enjoying music for the first time since I was too young to be aware of others opinions. Hang up your lab coat and enjoy some art for once. Have no expectations over such trivial things and see the intent of the music really. To be enjoyed and to make life a little easier on the heart and other vital organs. To love to and by and over every which way till you've gone deaf with no regrets. As the songs echo in repeat through your head and by your heart. Until the day you croak. Awe. How nice was that. Now go sell your Tupperware preservation trite to someone quick before you look foolish and try to convince the DIY lo-fi aesthetics over exactness, sardonic over sonic. blissful eared and stubborn as a mule folks that their dilapidated rare home dubbed noise experiments are missing some weight where it matters most. I could see someone laughing you down junior. Make you regress in age the chide will be so strong. I love you, you big dummy. Eskimo kisses. Now let's eat already. Enough talk. See all this time talking we could have been listening. It's much more mental manipulation involved than one will allow themselves to think. If any of that makes sense. It's all meant as <3. Dont worry so much and have fun. You can work in a museum when you grow up if you really need to preserve the chastity of things. Or a comic book store. Or even a hip priest if your lucky. This blog will show you the way if you let it. This was for the children. Lord have mercy! Amen and Bless all your hearts.If I had a microphone I would probably drop it for dramatics fully aware of the possibilities. It would have been worth it. Pretend I'm doing it for me. Thanks. There you go. See destroying everything seems like the best option in the end really. The End.

  16. yes Citizen, thought exactly on the subject.
    I once led a drunken mob to beat up an audiophile but we beat up a pedophile by mistake.
    Basically,One likes what one is used to,or told to like by subliminal pressure. I cannot tell the difference between some(not all) 128k mp3's and FLAC. I made an error by buying some stuff from iTunes back in the early days,and they were all in complaints received.
    My hearing is so fucked anyway even the highest possible quality vinyl sounds pretty rubbish to these ears.

    and ps,
    yes he's a real saucer person,and he's on our side.
