Only a slightly offensive cover adorns this Chuck Berry riff recycling Pub Rock Legend's first solo LP for Stiff.
Having been around playing basic rock'n'roll since the Hippy days of 1969, with his group 'Legend'.....he was a Pub Legend after all?
The tune "Old Rock'N'Roller" kinda sums Michael Jupp....upp.
Making Friends
Short List
Old Rock´N´Roller
If Only Mother
Down In Old New Orleans
You´ll Never Get Me Up In One Of Those
The Ballad Of Billy Bonney
Partir Cést Mourir Un Peu
Brother Doctor, Sister Nurse
DOWNLOAD a juppanese up HERE!
Mr. Jupp makes his appearance. Long before the WTF acronym existed, that's the reaction I typically experienced when someone came across my blue vinyl import copy of this. A decent soundtrack for a low key beer drinking session, to my ear. Thanks for the post, as my vinyl copy long since scattered to the wind.