Saturday, 29 October 2016

The Bishops ‎– "Cross Cuts" (Chiswick Records ‎– CWK 3009) 1979

The (Count) Bishops' swansong was probably their best album; mainly because its production values, commercially viable for that particular epoch, appeals to my media conditioned reflex that has never left me since 1979. Conceptually, the rougher production of their earlier work is superior, but for sheer joy of listening, otherwise known as 'entertainment'; this work, with the power pop setting button depressed on the automated mixing desk, is a better and more exciting listen.
Unfortunately, shortly after recording this , main man Zenon de Fleur was killed in a car accident in his beloved Aston Martin, to join Jonny Kidd, Eddie Cochran, and Marc Bolan among the Rock'n'Roll elect who died on British roads in a British car.
The tracks are the usual aggressively played  cover versions mixed in with a few self-penned punky R&B numbers. Fleetwood Mac's "Somebody's Gonna Get Their Headkicked in Tonight" makes another welcome appearance.


I Take What I Want
Could You Would You
What's Your Number
Your Daddy Don't Mind
Good Times
Too Much Too Soon
Rolling Man
I Want Candy
Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In Tonight
Hands On The Wheel
Don't Start Me Talkin'
These Arms Of Mine
No Lies
Mr. Jones


  1. Worth remembering that Ian Stuart out of Skrewdriver also died in a car so motors ain't all bad.

  2. Thats true....can't imagine Stuart getting on with Bolan and Zenon; don't know about Johnny Kidd's politics....but Eddie Cochran may be tempted to the dark side I suspect.

  3. They don't make records like this anymore. So exciting, hand goes for a beer can!
    Jonny you made my day, thank you.
    Another overlooked 'last album' like E&THR 'Thriller'.
