Tuesday, 13 October 2015

MAP - "MAP 7 No.6 (Rock.n.Roll.......PHEW!)" (MAP Tapes MAP7) 1981

Map continues his unstoppable 1981 output with No. 6,maintaining the high standards of inventiveness experienced on the previous five cassettes. Hand played cheapo keyboards, recorded in classic cassette quality, repetitive fizzing electronic riffs, with a smattering of guitar,over a tinny preset drum  pattern.
This one ends with the response interview of Suisse by Map, after he was interviewed by her on Map 7 no'5. The highlight of which.among several sexually suggestive questions, was when asked what would she do if she won half a million pounds on the football pools, she replies "Is that six hundred thousand pounds?".

Track Listing:

01 Welcome (Utopian Theme)
02 Dog
03 Sally and Johnny
04 A Rainy Night in Georgia
05 J8
06 Return of Antony
07 Tin
08 Johnny and Sally
09 Happy World
10 The Sheer Rush
11 K9
12 Interview

DOWNLOAD map 7 no.6 HERE!.......Phew!

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