Thursday, 5 February 2015

City Of Worms ‎– "Crumnants" (Sound Of Pig ‎– SOP 129) 1987

Zoviet*France's American cousin's from the harsh industrial landscape of Colorado. Contrast the oppressive mountainous vista's,endless blue skies,wide open natural spaces,and fluffy clouds with the easy life of the Slag Heaps,Smog,claustrophobic terraced housing and slate grey clouds of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Zoviet*France's hometown).Those chaps in Z*F had it easy compared with the poor sods who made up City Of Worms. Somehow they made the same style of repetitive urbano-ethnic rhythmic noise; but with completely different,some would say, opposite, influences. Z*F had coal mining, unemployment,hopelessness,and damp bleak post industrial squalor. COW had skiing, wide open spaces, and awe-inspiring landscapes. It's all becoming clear to me now, like those apathy inducing clear blue skies of Colorado.Oh,those cruel dark satanic mills of the Rocky Mountains!Its all a bit like that classic Monty Python sketch about The London Playwright and his Coal Mining Son...."There's nowght(nothing) wrong with Gala luncheons Lad!"


A1 Live At The Aztlan Theatre, Denver, CO, July 4th, 1987
B1 Drome
B2 Cherinders
B3 Mentax
B4 Hichotomy
B5 Jajection
B6 Concretion
B7 Badget
B8 Pacisyphus
B9 Fractuous

DOWNLOAD the crumnants from the table HERE!


  1. actually, the photo of the ruins of a gold refinery.

  2. Colorado Springs, where COW originated, is a hot-bed of right-wing Christian activity and the host to 7(!) military bases, including the super-secret NORAD. yes, the mountains and the sky...but the people there are very "straight". there used to be a large bohemian contingent but not anymore.
    thanks for posting these!

  3. Jeph's right. It's a culture shock on a short drive from a radically different Denver (not to mention Boulder).

    And movin' back to the 1980s. Any chance to score other US cassette acts from the era? Looking in particular for:

    Croiners: “Ear Candy“, 1988, USA
    Croiners: “Isolated“, 198?, USA
    Problemist: “What Is to Be Gun“, 1983, USA
    Problemist: “After Sanity“, 1985, USA
    Problemist: “NEEDY“, 1986, USA
    Larry Mondello’s Band: “Fun with Static”, 1981, USA
    Larry Mondello’s Band: “Live at Mather Hall”, 1981, USA
    Stutter: “Daddies and Dinosaurs“, 1981, USA

  4. CoW's "Grist" changed my life. thanks for these too.

  5. Hi Jeph,
    I'm only having a laugh. To be addressed on the next CoW post. It's the same thing as LA Punk, we in countries with shit weather don't understand what they've got to moan about....but its about more fundamental stuff that that. Disenfranchisement in an affluent society, systems of control etc.
    Always had sympathy for anyone surrounded by Christians.

  6. Sonic A...I got a few Croiners cassettes...but not the ones you asked for. I'll post them after Jeph jerman related stuff.

  7. Shit! I missed out on comparing Coal Mining with Gold Mining!

  8. But people who live in gloomy places get to feel smugly superior!

  9. People who live in superior places get to feel smugly gloomy also!

  10. Shit...I live in Manchester and feel gloomily superior and smug...where the hell do I fit in?

  11. I know what you mean, I feel smugly gloomy with a hint of superiority; and I live in the South of France! WHERE THE hELL DO i FIT IN,AND WHERE DO i FIT IN hELL?

  12. from your description of newcastle, you either have never visited it, or you're brian sewell.

    nice blog.

  13. I am Brian Sewell,and I have been to Newcastle twice. Once to fit out a posh hairdressers in Jesmond ,and the other to witness Leicester City lose 7-1 at st.James park.
    Bare in mind that my narrative always has a tongue in cheek angle.

  14. so does mine. i hope you didn't pay good money to watch your team's brutal hammering. nice goal from walsh though.

  15. Yup, I paid in more ways than one.The most brutal part was having to endure a performance from Lindisfarne before the kick off.
