Sunday, 4 January 2015

Philip Johnson - "0714" (Year Zero Records YEAR 029) 2015

A new year, a new Year Zero release, and ,more importantly,a new collection from Philip Johnson.("...a lost figure in the dark waters of early industrial music." - Superior")
This seems to carry on where Minumarine left off , with it's off-kilter loops, wobbly avant-garde composition,and fried electronic glitchs. Swimming on top of the damaged space,are various deconstructed/reconstructed dialogue samples,which add a touch of black humour and disconnected dystfunctional humanity to the already abstract proceedings.
Just "I am Wearing" (mp3) was the single from the Minumarine album, here we have "Just Like it Should" as the potential alternative universe numero uno.Click here for the mp3 of this track,and then download the whole album know you want to,in fact I know you'll want to.
One day soon PJ will gain the recognition he so definitely deserves.
(ps...check out the Superior Viaduct reissue of 1982's classic "Youth in Asia" album.On sale NOW!)