Tuesday, 25 November 2014

This Heat - "Live in Zurich 15.04.82" (Live Bootleg) 1982

Sorry about the lack of posts of late,we're just getting over the death of a close family member,so not really into preparing files etc. But,i had managed to edit this before that hammer blow. How about more live This Heat?
Dug up from his extensive live tape library, Shiva Descending has found a This Heat tape I haven't heard before! This is another from the last tour,sans Gareth Williams, in 1982. This time in Zurich, and probably broadcast on radio,which would explain the FM bit in the title. Certainly sounds like it was recorded from the radio,for it be of a fairly high standard of stereo fidelity. The set list is exactly the same as the Hamburg gig from the previous week in 1982.
The highlights include an extended 'Twilight Furniture' with improvised section, and maybe the best version of 'Greenfingers'? Dunno if I want any This Heat played at my funeral?Such a fine body of work deserves to be played in full. Although Camberwell Now's “Know How” makes the death list short list, followed by,maybe kiddie Fiddler, Roy Harper's, “When an Old Cricketer Leaves The Crease”,then two tunes that sum me up nicely,"(People laugh at me)cuz I like Weird Music" by the Instant Automatons,and to finish on a lighter note,"Part-Time Punks" by the TV Personalities". But now I've gotta compile four tunes for Sanny's funeral......that ain't an easy task,choosing from the near perfect canon's of PiL(mark one), Joy Division, and The Fall? (How 'bout 'Death Disco' ,'Dead Souls' and 'Bill is dead'?) Please feel free to leave your own funeral lists in the comments section.When This Heat died I don't think music ever recovered? 1982/3 being a water shed epoch for the end of the mid to late twentieth century renaissance.(i.e. it was all downhill from there,still descending today)
I digress, ladies and gentlemen,I give you the fantastic This Heat in Zurich, 1982.

Track Listing:

01 Greenfingers 
03 Working Night
04 Makeshift Swahili
05 Twilight Furniture
06 Music Like Escaping Gas
07 A New Kind Of Water
08 Cenotaph


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My condolencesJonny.

    No apologies necessary.


  3. Never a good time for a funeral. Love this blog, but it's certainly way down the priority list in relation to real life events like this. Agreed, to apologies needed.

  4. Extremely sorry to hear that.

  5. Thanks everybody for your kind thoughts. Much appreciated.Thanks again.

  6. I have one song that should be played on MY funeral,its Love Will Tear Us Apart.Death Disco is a touching choice too and another one coming to my mind is I Love My Leatherjacket by The Chills

  7. hang in there...anyway the best blog around. thank you so much. for the funeral i am thinking about some robert wyatt's songs...or may be "shrivel up", the last song for devo's first album...

  8. Yeah, I quite fancied "At Last I am Free" by Wyatt.

  9. Sorry to read this Mr Z. Best wishes to you and your family.

  10. Very sorry to hear about the loss.

    Wyatt's "At Last I'm Free" does a good job. I remember running it through my head on a loop when I had to work in a quarry.

  11. Working in a quarry?.....the things we have to do! It'd be a good tune to hum when the quarry finally 'let you go'.

  12. Sorry for your loss Jonny. Take it easy.

  13. My condolences, Mr Z. There is definetly no need for you to apologise. My choice for a tune would be Neonlicht by Kraftwerk. Not really strong lyrics but the mood of the melody moves me. I`m often humming it to my baby daughter.

  14. I didn't know or care what, if anything, was played at my conception, so I doubt it will concern me what is played when I'm dead. Choices like this are for the living.

  15. You are ,of course, correct Reverend B. This is why I have been lumbered with choosing the tunes for this funeral! The person in question had in fact requested 'silence' as his funeral tune.But emotional pressure from the grieving relatives, require me to pick some tunes for them rather than him! This is what funerals are all about.

  16. hi Jonny, occasional visitor to this blog (I should come by more often, and leave more comments!) Just to wish you and yours best wishes and condolences, and many, many thanks for all the great stuff you put so much effort into uploading here. Thanks in particular for the TG interview tapes, been wondering for years if I'd ever get a chance to hear those.

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  18. C93 'I have a special plan'
    J.Cale 'Hedda gabler'
    Cramps 'A new kind of kick'

    Well yeah...its a long service ;)

  19. Thanks Alan, and yes, leave more comments please. Cheers.

  20. Well, anonymous, i'm not familiar with C93? But sounds like a fun funeral to me.

  21. So sorry to hear of your loss Jonny and good luck in your healing. It's never an easy scenario. Thank you for all that you do to share these wonderful obscurities with us. It's much appreciated. Take care-

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Best wishes to yourself Jonny. Only noticed today that the blog hadn't been updated for a bit. Look after yerself.

  24. Cheers Stu, should be back in a day or so.

  25. Dear Jonny,

    It's rather late for condolences, but you have them. I just landed on your blog yesterday on a link to Robert Rental and (after then spotting Metabolist) found some This Heat that I've never even seen before. Keep up the good work!

    If anyone who likes This Heat is about to request music for their own funeral, I would suggest it be 'Everlasting Light' by Mono.


  26. Cheers Steve,not too late for condolences,the whole sorry saga is still dragging on through the legal system to stop this shit happening again!
    As for this Heat, i still have a couple of live boots to edit.....will get around to it. I just found being constantly exposed to the same tunes was tarnishing my love for this great group. I did have a Metabolist live boot,but its been mislaid somewhere.
    I'm also ashamed to say i have probably not heard the Mono track...i'll now right this wrong.

  27. Cher Jonny,

    Tu es français? Moi, anglais au Japon depuis il y a 33 ans.

    Ton blog est merveilleux, tant de
    choses que me rapellent le RU.

    Et tu parles d'un décès avec problèmes légales? Je ne crois
    pas que je puisse t'aider ainsi, mais j'espère que tout s'arrégle bien.



  28. Hi steve,
    No, i'm English but live in France.Thanks for the compliment.
    The legal stuff is still ongoing.We have an MP and the Press on our side.And the preliminary hearing is on 18th May. we're not after money, just for it not to happen to someone else.

    You're a lucky chap living in Japan.My Daughter would be envious,as she's obsessedwith the place!

