Unlike France, our old chums in Germany
sure know how to this modern music thing. Not having once visited the
place, I cannot spew the same vitriol I have for the country I am
trapped in.Even though,my Father was force marched in circles there
at gun point by the Volksturm,and witnessed the Dresden bombing
atrocity at first hand, I cannot hold anything but affection for
Germans.Yes, they have the worst table manners of any nation
state,and the dress sense of an Albanian with a Versace voucher, I
quite like their tortured arrogance. One of my German acquaintances
once ,like Harry Enfields character Jurgen the German, apologised to
me for his country's conduct during the war (no joke!).
Kassettentäter vol. 2 reveals one of
the favourite German pastimes (resists war reference),mucking about
with technology. A panzer full of synths , like a squadron of Stuka's
,dive bombing their lo-fi analogue beauty onto a Telefunken cassette
deck loaded with a BASF ferric C-60.(sorry, I couldn't resist ,”I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it!”). The result is
a clutch of a bizarre, fuzzy,minimal tunes straight from some murky
U-Bahn to Kassette Himmel.
Apology's for my German,it was all
learnt from the hundreds of War magazines my father bought me as a
child,so its pretty limited.This is why I was always the German when
we played War games as a kid........well they had the best uniforms
didn't they; designed by Hugo Boss. Sartorially, all downhill from
there I’m afraid.
(Check out Volume 1 Here!)
(Check out Volume 1 Here!)
A1 | –Vexierende Textur | Industrie-Tanz | |
A2 | –Bill Bo | Plitsch Platsch | |
A3 | –Frauen Von Avignon | Meine Liebe Mit Den Gelben Haaren | |
A4 | –Hans Kim + Die Schwarze Hand | Moped Fahren | |
A5 | –Inex Tremis | Kukuxklan | |
A6 | –Bodenpersonal | Tote Räume | |
A7 | –Die Unerträglichen | Zerstörung | |
B1 | –Tic, Tric & Trac | Bewustseinstörung | |
B2 | –Heute | Kinder Der Ohnmacht | |
B3 | –Kanalwasserspaziergänger | Turbo (Formel1) | |
B4 | –Treibeis | Vinylbabies (Die Telefonpüppchen) | |
B5 | –Ich | Letzte Gedanken | |
B6 | –Säurekeller | Amerika Führt Krieg |
DOWNLOAD der ubermensch of the untergrund HERE!
I've got Vol 1 somewhere if you'd like JayZee.
Do you have any of the later volumes of this series? Really great stuff!!
Much respect for sharing with me and others. Thank you!