On the night of Thatcher's 1983
re-election, after the ludicrous Falklands Conflict;Industrial
utility players, Nocturnal Emissions appeared at the Ritzy in Brixton
to commiserate with the like-minded masses of the apolitical
majority. A slow decent into greed and the erosion of hard fought
for freedoms began here; now accelerating beyond belief.
The tape appears to be split into a
live side and a studio side,although there’s no mention of this
anywhere on the insert. Side A has the Brixton gig, and the B-side
seems to have 13 short but doomy instrumental pieces, which seem to
capture nicely the depressing atmosphere of The Iron Lady's tightened
grip on power. The concert is an expression of malevolent anger at
the direction that 40% of the British public had 'chosen'; democracy
in action? Thirty years of mealy mouthed unbridled capitalism
followed,with frequent military “interventions”, profiteering and
fear-mongering. Leaving the planet in the tense and vulnerable state
it is in today. Susceptible to emergency measures for our own
'security',and sinister nonsense such as puppet minister Cameron
wanting to opt out of the Convention for Human Rights on the grounds
that it was outdated and set up to avoid Dictatorships after world
war two. This is the very reason we need it in place to stop the
inevitable creep to the dictatorship with no visible dictator that we
will have in the near future, if not already had for 30 years! Think
this is paranoid nonsense? Then why has the UK government ignored the
EU directive to stop databasing all e-mails and phone calls,and in
fact rushed through legislation to even increase the snooping powers
on its own people!Not to mention our pals in the NSA doing it as
well!......oh yes....of course,its for our security isn't it.I
forgot, its those masses of Jihadists that are slaughtering everyone
in the west that are to blame. (Whoops! I typed a keyword to trigger
NSA alarms......in fact I'll do it again.....Jihad......Bomb....9/11
denial...Michael Moore...etc)
Nocturnal Emissions music is the
perfect doom laden ,cloudy soundtrack to this fraudulent conspiracy
fact.But,according to government representatives, conspiracies have never existed before, have they? We've
only had Christianity,Islam,the CIA, Mossad, the Rothschild financed
Nazi Holocaust , The Soviet Union,and the biggest conspiracy of all,
the Banking and Money system,among many others.
The music of conspiracy FACT!
Track Listing:
A1 Meaning Of Life
A2 Bad Evening
A3 Smash With Love Chant
A4 Sinking The Belgrano
A5 Smash With Love
A6 State Terror
B1 Seven Shades Of Shit
B2 Squat The Land
B3 Bite Them Back
B4 Cute Toy
B5 Untitled
B6 Untitled
B7 Untitled
B8 Untitled
B9 Untitled
B10 Untitled
B11 Untitled
B12 Untitled
B13 Untitled
B8 Untitled
B9 Untitled
B10 Untitled
B11 Untitled
B12 Untitled
B13 Untitled
Hi, figured I'd comment here since its about NZ stuff, but wondering if you have (and would consider a post for) This Sporting Life - "Welcome To The Bellrope" LP / "In Limbo" 12" (82-83 Flying Nun) or Miltown Stowaways "Tension Melee" + 3.12"s (83 Unsung/Propeller/Hit).. Also looking for the Techtones "TT23" LP on Ripper, but I know that one isn't really in your wheelhouse.. Cheers, Mark