Monday, 18 August 2014

The Chefs - "Sweetie" and "24 Hours" E.P.'s (Attrix Records ‎– RB 10/13) 1980/81

To bring us to an end of the cream of the Brighton Scene around the turn of the eighties, here's a couple of E.P.'s by the proto-inde combo, The Chefs, featuring Helen McCookerybook; now there's a post-feminist ironic nom de plume if ever there was such a thing?
Yeah it's all fairly entertaining and intelligent stuff. The stuff made by students, for students,ex-students who can't let it go,and people who wished they were students. Now ,for bitter ex-grammer school types, comme moi(french eh?); who hate the rich,the poor,and anyone who got a degree because they were too dumb to make their own way in the world. This group is mildy irritating.
But, after the annoying intro to “Thrush”, any song that has the lines,” I was just a bunk up, so you could get your spunk* up”, and, “little did I know that, I would get a sore twat”, is worthy of any back slapping award in any alternate reality.

* for any Americans reading this. Spunk is NOT 'get up and go energy for real go getters/winners! It's English slang for Semen.....I assume you know that semen is the fluid that contains spermatozoa for the sexual union process, and not the 'guys' who work on ships?

America just doesn't make groups like this do they?

24 Hours EP (1981) Track Listing:

24 Hours
Let's Make Up
Someone I Know

Sweetie EP (1980) Track Listing:

A1 Sweetie
A2 Thrush
B1 Records And Tea
B2 Boasting


  1. I remember this record! but where did I leave my car keys when I got in from work?

  2. This is great. The Americans don't do indie-pop as well as the British. Peach Kelli Pop, Cub and Go Sailor are probably my favourites but there's nothing as good as this or the June Brides or Heavenly.

  3. Those couplets are irresistible, really. Thanks for this gem, and for all of the treasures.

  4. Where Car keys are not important memories. Your subconscious mind has decided what really matters.

  5. I love your blog. I am obsessed and i only discovered it a few days ago! So thankful for this...

  6. Thanks for your obsession mr/ms anonymous.I love you too. Keep delving into this murky pit,and ignore the few dead links.They'll be back up soon.

  7. These 45s are a lot better than I remember... I may have to go barmy & buy their Damaged Goods compilation now, oh the humanity! :)

  8. Yeah, i think you're right.Like a lot of stuff from back in the day,it seems a lot better now than then. we were spoilt for choice in the olden days obviously!?

  9. This is best music! most,. Yes perfect is every of them. You are welcome. ,

  10. Three years later ... and still online! 1,000,000 thanks for all your generosity!

  11. Yep, still kicking against the pricks since 2009 in fact.

  12. Another three years later ... and still online! 1,000,000 thanks for all your generosity!
