Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Instant Automatons - "Blues Masters of the Humber Delta" (Deleted Records DEC 010) 1980

Instant Automatons third cassette album release from about 1980, on the near mythical cassette label from Grimsby, Deleted Records. More of the usual bedroom acoustics, third generation tape overdubs, and cheapo solid state sounds from (the late and much missed)Protag and Mark Automaton(aka the instant automatons)................I thought they were called the Instant Automations (see the "tions" instead of the "tons") for years,and I still call them that,in fact i prefer it.
Anyway, another great tape from deleted.....the gods of hiss that they are.Recorded live at the London Musicians Collective where their chums The Door and the Window hung out,with other semi serious experimentalists David toop and Steve Beresford,among many others.

PS: You can get "Tape Transport", another great Instant Automatons c-90, elsewhere in this blog,or download it here.

As they say on the insert:
"The Instant Automatons; not published not copyright 1980 rip us off - see if we care"......a healthy attitude indeed.

Track Listing:

1. a version of a famous fab four track that i can't publish or i get shit! Incredibly!
2.Laburnum Walk
3.Mr. McPhee
4.Esoteric No. 2 - Blazing Pedals
5.Catacomb (live)
6.Catacomb (studio)
7.Prisoner Of The Grapevine (Whitfield/Strong/391)
8.I Think Somebody Must Have Poisoned Me
9.Then He Hit Me
10.Esoteric No. 5 - Brains Under Glass
11.Restless Night (live)
12.Ballad Of The New Things
13.Disillusion (live)
14.August '78 (live)
15.When The Pubs Close (Automatons/G. Bailey)
16.Outro (live)

Download from the humber delta HERE!


  1. This download is missing track A1, sadly...

  2. I think its fixed...the first track is a beatles number so i had to change the title,google gave me shit.
