Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Ya Ho Wha 13 - "To The Principles For The Children" ( Higher Key Records ‎– KEY 001) 1974

Sort of disturbing this; all those kids on the cover are probably Father Yod's, fathered under the normal cult conditions of cynical brainwashing techniques on dysfunctional and naive teenage women.Classic paedophile outfit on the rear sleeve photo,with the band worshipping a Yod on earth; disgusting.
That said, and although I can't listen to Gary Glitter anymore (The Glitter Band excepted), this insane spontaneous outsider DIY acid rock drivel is up there with evolution and the creation of the cosmos, as one of the greatest but inevitable accidents ever to stumble into existence.
And yes, he really did die in a bizarre hang gliding accident!!!!

Track Listing:
1. Side A (16:58)
2. Side B (10:37)

- Father Yod / vocals, kettle drum, gong
- Djinn / guitars
- Sunflower / bass
- Octavius / drums

DOWNLOAD some twisted principles for yourself HERE!


  1. I always thought cults were interesting insofar as they represent a desire for a different way of life than the one that prevails in most places on this planet. Too bad they just end up reproducing existing society's authoritarianism.

  2. Cults seem to mean a desire for the 'same' way of life in a different setting;an opportunity forr different cunts to lead us into oblivion. Interesting point.
    The human flock instinct always gets in the way of decent ideas.

  3. someone called me a cult once, or something that sounded like it
