Tuesday 18 March 2014

Various Artists - "Earcom 2" (Fast Product 9b) 1979

EARCOM 2 - omg! Joy Division were on this! Sold my original copy in 1982 for £20 because of that! If joy division were still Warsaw at the time then i could call them DIY, but unfortunately as they are post-punk behemoths,albeit, thee most perfect pop group ever; i shall have to ignore them here.(fucking gods though!)
The Thursdays' "Perfection" is...er....perfect?.Alas,Unfortunately, they also contributed the worst track on any of the three Earcom records;the lamentable Otis Redding atrocity, "(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay".
(Bob) Lastly,the unpronouncable (always a pointer towards the ambition,or,lack of,of a group),Basczax; sound like they were competent musicians before the new wave,probably in some progressive space rock combo,and wore sparkling capes.That very much aside, their two tracks are rather marvelous.
Another Fast Product Classic!


A1 - Thursdays - Perfection
A2 - Basczax - Celluloid Love
A3 - Basczax - Karleearn Photography
B1 - Joy Division - Auto-Suggestion
B2 - Joy Division - From Safety To Where
B3 - Thursdays - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay

DOWNLOAD ear communication 2 and joy division(!) HERE!

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