Thursday, 20 February 2014

Sutcliffe Jügend - "Campaign" (Come Organisation – WDC 883028) 1982

More Whitehouse related Noise terrorism, with Kevin Tomkins' Sutcliffe Jügend's early cassette "Campaign". And you can bet its refers to murder campaign rather than the Political, or Military, versions of the word. The clues are in the song titles, although all you have to know is its a Come Org release to know, A/ What it sounds like, and B/ what the subject matter will be about. Yep, more extreme sex, murder icon worship, and Sade-isms. Pretty tiresome and quite silly really; but I do love the catharsis of extreme noise to cleanse ones mind of interference. Also it STILL has the ability to make Henry Normal uncomfortable, maybe even angry; this is a rare commodity in the modern 'seen it all, heard it all' society. There will be people who would disagree, and think this is tame ,boring rubbish, but they are liars; to themselves and others, and are part of the problem. Ignore them.
Ladies and Gentleman: Sutcliffe Jügend; uninspired but very effective.

DOWNLOAD these vicious clichés HERE! 
DOWNLOAD from Mediafire HERE!


  1. Hi
    thanks for posting this rare item but how to download ?

  2. Hi,should be very simple? Click on the link and follow the on screen instructions from google drive.

  3. sorry mate but it just don't work;can you upload using another file ?
    here's Whitehouse live action 11
    to show you my good will :

  4. I'm uploading to Mediafire for ya.Thanks for Live Aktion 11...superb.I've a feeling there were a few other posts on your excellent blog that I would like to request from you if poss?

  5. Thanks mate
    unfortunately, most of the stuff I posted are gone forever as I gave away my collection 1 year ago.I kept Whitehouse cd's, some S.Jugend & M.Bianchi.I'm gonna bring them back next year at my place.
    Still I have the Live Action Archives 1.Tell me if ya want some more.
    take care.
