Sunday, 16 February 2014

SPK - " Live at the Crypt " (Sterile Records SRC4) 1981

SPK captured live in 1981, in "Information Overload Unit" mode. This is the SPK I prefer, nasty ear lancing noise, that is only equalled by Merzbow today. If your bag is distorted drumming, gut wrenching screaming, brain grinding electronics, and general Industrial Noise, then you won't find better than this.Maybe Whitehouse is a tad more unsettling, but SPK win out on the textures of the noise,and are creatively more diverse.
This is also a slightly better performance than on the previous SPK post, "The Last Attempt at Paradise" from the following year.

Released on Nigel Ayers of Nocturnal Emissions' Sterile Records, the home of many an industrial noise maker in the early 80's.

DOWNLOAD from the Crypt HERE!

Track Listing:

Berufsverbot 6:44
Emanation Machine R. Gie 1916 13:26
Stammheim Torturkammer 4:56
Ground Zero : Infinity Dose 2:23
Serenace 6:00
"John" 4:53

1 comment:

  1. I had AT THE CRYPT and LAST ATTEMPT back in the '80s, but 35 years and 12 cross-country moves means a lot of things are gone now. I also had a live SPK tape called WARS OF ISLAM. I don't remember it standing out, but I do think it had some different tracks that I hadn't heard elsewhere.
