Saturday, 15 February 2014

Prescott and Minoy - "The Dying Man (An Opera)" (Self Release Cassette 1987)

I said Prescott and minoy, NOT Fripp and Eno, or rather , the Anti-Fripp and Eno; who chose the Oblique Strategy card which said ‘Burn the Oblique Strategy cards’? And why not?......A/ Because I can, so I won’t! The art of contrary logic follows each piece of plunderphonia, and atonal noise assemblage in this sound concrete classic. Thinking too much can ruin the finest works, and this sounds like a fine example of improv collage, more instinct than intellect, a technique used by many a free jazzer to great effect. These boys are the Albert Aylers of tape composition.
Top that with some great Bryon Gysin style poetry,and we have a bona fide lost classic of cassette culture. We’ll be dancing to stuff like this after the fast approaching consciousness shift, war will be a distant memory, and love will engulf the human race like a nuclear wind.


  1. Soundtrack to the singularity?

  2. I've been listening to this album since you posted it, and I have to say it's one of my favorites, if not my #1 favorite recording as of now. The sound is completely one of a kind. I've never heard anything that comes close. A completely bleak and soulless atmosphere, and with some of the best production I've heard from the tape-trade scene. Thank you for sharing!

  3. It is a quite fantastic piece of work.My favourite minoy album.

  4. Yes, the best out of a fantastic bunch!
