Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Various Artists – " Snatch Tapes 2 " (Snatch Tapes ) 1980

A rather special tape here.Snatch 2, featuring ,among others, Graham from Danny and The dressmakers, as The Beach Surgeon, and the usual Snatch suspects, The Alien Brains (the New Blockaders), David Jackman, and The Storm Bugs. There’s an appearance by the Sea Of Wires, with their incorrectly named “2 T’s and a Funny Hat”, which is called an ‘Endless Rainy Day’ on their excellent cassette “Individually Screened”. Spools full of claustrophobic DIY electronica, that sounds like it was recorded under a duvet after midnight, absolutely fantastic.
As with Snatch 1 the tape lists the names of the artists but not the track titles (?). Further details were included on a small booklet sent out with the tape. The Beach Surgeons feature Graham Massey (Danny and the Dressmakers) who went on to fame and (perhaps) fortune as part of 808 State, here he delivers a very humorous soliloquy on the merits of collecting girl’s nail clippings. Vote Police are of course our good friends Storm Bugs.
I’ve tried my best to split it up into tracks, but it is really in the form of a mix-tape, so I’ve supplied two downloads, one split up, and the other as it was originally intended.

Track Listing:
Side A
Orchestral Introduction
Beach Surgeons:
Mannequin Moves:
Vote Police – Our Main Objective:
Orchestral Interlude
Mountain Stream
2 T’s and a Funny hat

Side BDavid Jackman – Untitled
Scratch Dub: Beach Surgeons, John Cage, Scratch Orchestra with rhythm & loops by David Jackman, Philip Sanderson and Storm Bugs
Lemon Kittens:
Storm Bugs – Thin Line Flash of Traffic
David Jackman – Pulses
Cultural Amnesia Dub:
Garden Dwarves Dub

DOWNLOAD some snatch 2 HERE!


  1. Wow! this is Out of this world. thanks and Happy 2020

  2. Wonderful. Enjoying this while being snowed in.
