Saturday, 28 December 2013

Solid Space - "Space Museum" (In Phaze Records – IP 011 ) 1982

I will soften the sonic ambiance further with a slew of minimal electronica.
First up is this quaintly dated synth and indie guitar classic by Solid Space (including former Exhibit A and Twelve Cubic Feet members), on the infamous In-Phaze Records; home of among others, Portion Control.
Its sort of a hybrid of The Cure, Pet Shop Boys, and the Instant Automatons. A naive sounding electro-pop classic.
In its way this is as disturbing as the Mathausen Orchestra, especially the Neil Tennant impression vocals; frightening.

DOWNLOAD this space museum HERE!


  1. This was great! If they released anymore, can you upload that too? Also, if there is any more Twilight Ritual (from the Cabbage 4 mix), please put some of that up!
    Also, if there isn't anymore by Solid Space, could you stick up/recommend some similar stuff.

  2. It is quite special,there's nothing exactly like this, although most stuff on In Phaze has a similar vibe. I have another In Phaze tape coming up...but i've forgot what it is!....i'll come back to you.

  3. Perfect, I can't wait for it - the cleaners from venus stuff is great too - your site has satisfied the insatiable avant grade, DIY and/or underground music craving I've had.

  4. Yeah now i remember, it was a very early Portion Control tape, "Private Illusions", which is nothing like the embarrassing hard electronics act they turned into.You should like it.
    Yup, The Cleaners from Venus are up there with the Beatles and Ray Davies for timeless Songcraft.He'll be recognised as such when he's dead.

  5. I'll be sure to check it out - how do you get hold of all your cassettes anyway? Discogs or just a history of collecting?

  6. I bought loads of stuff since i was 13,and people send me cassettes,or digital files...loads of avenues are open.
    I've been through loads of phases,Jazz and easy listening took me over in the 90's to escape the crud the music scene had turned into.....sold all that to buy a house.....mistake. Then i rediscovered my DIY collection,my first love.
    By the way I forgot that Solid Space were in fact a band called Exhibit A whose second ep sounded quite similar.I'll rip that and post it,its very good.

  7. I look forward to that very much - thank you.

  8. Hey,
    When do you plan on posting the Exhibit A rip, I'm quite looking forward to it.

  9. Hi MM, forgot about Exhibit A ep. So,to avoid any more waiting time on your behalf.Here's the link to the rip.

    Platform 6 is the track that particularly links Soilid Space to Exhibit A.Quite a catchy toon.

  10. Thank you very much, without expectations, what could go wrong?

  11. Thank you, I like so much this LP

  12. As always we are indebted to your efforts to keep our ears entertained! Thank you!

  13. And this is the type of musical magic that keeps people coming back for more.


  14. Any chance of a reupload of this one?

  15. The download is fine, you just have to ask me permission to share it because of a silly security update thing.There shold be a button to click somewhere there?

  16. Hi Jonny. Thanks for the Exhibit A. I just requested access one of your regular followers!.....
