Sunday, 29 December 2013

M.B. (Maurizio Bianchi) - " Voyeur Tape " (YHR Tapes YHR005) 1980

Maurizio Bianchi from Milano, Italy, started working in 1979 using pre-recorded filtered sounds and in 1980 bought his own electronic equipment to "produce technological sounds to work for a full awareness of modern decadence"...mmmmmmmm(thinks).......sounds like a  rather right wing musical manifesto; but this tape won't be labelled boring by the heard-it-all before crowd, 'cus Maurizio Bianchi is acceptable Industrial music. Personally, all Industrial music bores the fuck out of me, mainly because its so fucking easy.
This may have something to do with the enormous back catalogue MB has, shitting out so many wobbly tape collages ,that one could fill a European Union crop surplus warehouse, and then some. The Mr Grain Mountain or Wine Lake of Industrial music.....sorry....musick.
Many of the visitors to this site could go on forever about the awful cliché ridden disco and rock hits of today, but even they pale into insignificance at the repeated themes of ALL Industrial artists.......Auschwitz, Nazi's, Mass Murderers,Sadism, Paedophilia, Aliester Crowley-isms....blah,blah, blah!...yawn!
All that aside, this is rather good to listen to while you're doing something else, and the collage of various manipulated tapes sounds even better on this rather muffled C-60 cassette release from 30+ years ago.
If MB didn't have so many of those annoying Holocaust references etc on his future releases, we could probably call this Avant-garde tape composition. This, and many of his earlier tapes, thankfully are holocaust free, and doesn't add to an already growing culture of Holocaust fatigue.
"Who cares about the Holocaust" they say.......well, its because of unimaginative Industrial music and cheap TV channels banging on constantly about Hitler that the young are fed up hearing about it.
If I'd just heard this for the first time, I'd have labelled it as a work of near genius back in 1980, so therefore it gets 8/10, well worth a download in my opinion.

Track Listing:

Untitled 31:09
Untitled 31:57

DOWNLOAD your voyeur tape HERE!

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